Summer update ‘23

It has been quite a journey for Suzanne and me over the past two years since we lost our beloved Max. His battle with cancer opened our eyes to the challenges faced by those fighting rare cancers, particularly the lack of funding for research. Determined to make a difference, we founded the Max Vincze Foundation with the aim of empowering researchers to make breakthroughs in the treatment of rare adolescent and young adult cancers, including NUT carcinoma. As we complete our first year as a foundation, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your incredible support. Your generous donations have already started to have a significant impact on rare cancer research outcomes. You are true partners in the breakthroughs that emerge from the dedicated work of researchers and the promising results from clinical trials. Together, we are shaping the future of cancer treatment.

Partnering for progress

One of the most fulfilling moments of this journey was being able to present a gift of $100,000 to Dr. Christopher French's NUT carcinoma lab at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. This contribution was utilized to fund a specific mouse study that yielded unprecedented results, offering a glimmer of hope in the fight against this rare cancer. Collaborating closely with Dr. French has been incredibly rewarding, witnessing firsthand his dedication and passion for investigating NUT carcinoma.

Beers For Cures!

In June, we held our first fundraiser, "The Max Factor Pale Ale" release party, and it was a resounding success, thanks to your presence and support! The 10Torr Brewery and Distillery crafted a limited edition pale ale, with all proceeds from beer sales going directly to the Max Vincze Foundation. Your participation helped us raise over $19,000 in a single night, making it an unforgettable event. We plan to make this an annual tradition and continue fundraising for our cause.

Once again, we cannot thank you enough for your support in our mission. Together, we are making strides towards a future where rare cancer patients have access to more effective treatments and, ultimately, the chance to become cancer survivors.

Most sincerely,
Craig Vincze, Ph.D.
Founder, President, and Max's Dad


Donor update: Winter 2023